Monday, June 30, 2008

#7 The Technology Blog Rant

There is just much, too much out there and this course hasn't even scratched the surface of everything that's out there! Definitely TMI! When I look at the blogs done by others in the library field that just go on and on and realize how much time they've spend on them, I wonder how anything gets done. It's all fascinating but it's also a bit overwhelming. I wonder how the Internet can maintain this rate of growth and also wondering what's new around the corner.
I'm very impressed by the blogs that others at JPL have done and frustrated that mine is so plain by comparison and -since- I am in the middle of a project, it's also frustrating that it'll just have to stay that way. It's also a bit irksome that I can't get my pictures from Webshots to Blogspot- though it looks like others are doing it. I'm currently updating information in our ILLiad database and tagging all the libraries that lend to us for free. There's 50 typed pages of them. I have to stop now and then to give my eyes and my fingers a rest.


Khalinah said...

I agree there is certainly alot out there, i think technology has its benefits, but then again there's technology that makes people lazier than what they are.


Anonymous said...

I also feel there is so much available. Sometimes I feel we, as a society, make changes simply to say we are using technology. For example, I love having a computer catalog and circulation system. The old cards were a pain. Self check has problems (enables theft) and now I've seen a system that checks in and sorts items straight from the bookdrop. Both of these technologies look and sound great but each comes with inherent problems that can actually add to the work load they are supposed to help reduce.
I do enjoy general technology - computers, digital cameras, etc. I just am not sure how anyone can avail themselves of all the technology out there and actually get any real work done - unless they don't have a life.

Brownink said...

I say too much to look over.

I haven't found one that is attractive enough to keep my attention.


Mike Shell said...

Some of these bloggers must have fulltime jobs blogging...or else be independently wealthy, or at least retired.

Of course, some library systems have a whole department just for their website, so maybe their folks have time to do lots of online stuff.

I'm thinking about Carol's post:


Anonymous said...

Well put, everyone.

My job is tied to technology. Things have drastically improved over the years. We used to tell customer that it would take about a month to get a book through ILL, but now I'm seeing things get here within a week, two weeks if we have to request it again.

But technology can also be a barrier to getting the job done. One constant barrier is the speed (actually, the lack of speed) of the Internet. The slowdown's not as bad for us as it once was, but my staff and I need to rush to get the bulk of our work done by 11:00 AM. That's when response time starts to slow down. It's easy to blame the West Coast for the slowdown (11 AM our time = 8 AM on the West Coast), but I strongly suspect that there's gotta be something wrong with the infrastructure that's supposed to support the Internet. I think it's a combination of outdated equipment as Carol says and an overtaxed infrastructure.

Library Lady Love said...

Hey Heather,

Thanks for posting your TMI concerns! I'm definately with you on that one. Still, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement and connectedness in terms of being able to access current ideas and discussions in so many new technology forms. In fact, I just added a number of the sites from this weeks' assignment to my account so that I can skim them more frequently and pick-up on what's spreading out there. Add, I also found a post about how you can link your Flickr and other sites to your Facebook. Honestly, I would never have known this had I not read about it online.

P.S. I love your blog and I can't wait to also learn how to build goodies like Shelfari -- though I wonder where I'll find the time!