Monday, July 14, 2008

"#12 Add a JaxCat Search Gadget"

I added the JaxCat Search Gadget to my blog and to my iGoogle page. There--> it is. It wouldn't display correctly on my Dots template, so I switched templates. That necessitated my going back and changing a previous post. My blog page is getting pretty crowded.

The question for this Discovery Exercise was: "How else can a search box to our catalog be useful outside of our library's webpage?" I can see one way: as a promotional tool. Right now, Jacksonville iGoogle users are getting the gadget for another county's public library. When I set up my iGoogle page, I discovered that a Jacksonville tab came with it. I clicked on that and one of the boxes I saw was for St. Johns County Public Library-- NOT JPL. JPL's gadget was nowhere in sight. I wonder what has to be done to get Google to automatically display JPL's gadget instead of SJCPL's?

#11 A Thing about LibraryThing

LibraryThing is an interesting tool if you want to catalog your collection AND want to be part of a social network discussing books. I'm a member of a mystery book discussion listserv and I have trouble keeping up with those ongoing discussions.

I wondered if there was also a DVDThing or a MusicThing out there and Googled DVDThing. There was an ongoing discussion on the LibraryThing site about that very thing. Some of the posters were enthusiastic about it and wanted something that had all the qualities of LibraryThing. Others felt that LibraryThing should stick to books.

My link to LibraryThing is in the right hand column of this blog.