Monday, August 18, 2008

Into the Home Stretch- Lesson #20: You-Tubing

I tried - I really tried to find a good example of a "How to make an ILL request" video but the ones I found were either not close enough to what we do or were really ---ummm----BORING.
So- I went with something halfway entertaining- a library cat. This one also had the advantage of having some suspense. How many of the books would stay on the shelves?

Not exactly what you had in mind???
Oh, all right!
Presenting the most entertaining mash-up video EVER on the subject of copyright.
Trust me!
How many of these cartoons can you name?

All together now! What the heck is copyright law?

And now- the questions and answers:

What did you like or dislike about the site and why did you choose the video that you did? Likes:There's a lot here to see and choose from. There's little if no regulation so anyone can post. Dislikes:There's really no quality control and some of the videos are hard to make out. You have gems like the copyight video and some really very poorly done videos. I expect this to be the site that gets regulated like Napster did. I chose the videos I did because they were library-related. Can you see any features or components of the site that might be interesting if they were applied to library websites? Yes- I mentioned that I saw some library instructional videos that could be marketed as insomnia cures.On the other hand, if you make an enteratining instructional video- such as this Disney mash-up- people can laugh as they learn and they'll come back to see what else you have to offer.

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